Ocular oncology involves the study and treatment of tumors that occur in or around the eye. These tumors may cause vision loss or loss of the eye itself; some tumors are potentially fatal, while others may be benign yet severely disfiguring.


The treatment includes management of the tumor , reconstruction of the lids and restoring the cosmesis


Artificial / prosthetic eyes: An ocular prosthesis is a type of prosthesis that replaces an absent natural eye following an enucleation, evisceration, or orbital exenteration. The prosthesis fits over an orbital implant and under the eyelids.


It is made of medical grade plastic acrylic.A variant of the ocular prosthesis is a very thin hard shell known as a scleral shell which can be worn over a damaged or eviscerated eye. An ocular prosthesis does not provide vision; but provides a good cosmesis